Disney Dream

Disney Dream

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 21

Day 21

It's been a wonderful journey.

I ask myself why I didn't take this journey 6 months ago?

I was skeptical, I didn't believe it would work for me. Even as I watched a close friend drop inches and weight.  As I read her facebook statuses shouting to the world how great she was feeling.  I had done a shake based program before, and it didn't work.  Seriously shakes?

It took my health and energy taking a nose dive to get my attention.  I had increased my activity in the summer, but was gaining weight instead of loosing weight.  I was tired of depending on advil to help with my headaches, and cold medication for my sinus pressure.

Then in my newsfeed came the one minute challenge invite.  I read it and entered.  I took the 60 seconds to make a change in my life.

I thought I was being healthy until I realized how much I snacked during the day.  I also noticed the importance of having healthy snacks between meals, then you are not starving at lunch or dinner.  I would be so hungry at lunch that often I would stop and eat a bunch of fries and a burger, or I would get home at lunch and eat anything that was sweet while I made my son a very healthy lunch of fruit and veggies and grilled chicken.  I never drank pop, but I drank coffee (way too much) and wine.  I always drank water, but in the past months I had cut back on that too.

 Today I am grateful I took the plunge.  I am wearing clothes I haven't worn comfortably in 6 years.  I don't need the stretch in the fabric anymore.  I haven't had an advil in 22 days,  trust me that is amazing for me.

Best of all we are changing as a family.  Dinner is healthier as I am cooking more from scratch, buying fresher meats and planning ahead for meals.  My kids have been making healthier choices at meals.

I still have a ways to go in this challenge, 39 days.  My next goal is to add some weight training into my yoga and swimming, getting to the gym for 4 times a week instead of 2 or 3 times a week.

My journey isn't perfect, but it's my journey, and I am doing this for me.

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