Disney Dream

Disney Dream

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As our children age we travel in different circles.  Friends you make while they are in nursery school, drift as our children move on to big kid school.  Year pass, and you don't see them, but you still consider them a friend.

Well this weekend one of these friends, lost her battle with cancer, it has shocked me to the core as she was the same age as me, our children are around the same ages.  I remember her smile, it was always there.

I went back and read her Facebook wall (which was open for anyone to see), as I read she made no mention of her cancer.  I can tell when if started by the period away from facebook. (I did know about her diagnosis),  and upon her return her posts were light and loving "Home, thank you all for your well wishes).  This was June of 2010.  The rest of the posts were happy, she spoke of the sun, the vacations, how proud she was of her children.  She spoke of school starting back up, (she was looking forward to that like all moms).  Halloween photos, she was happy and full of life.  At Christmas, she invited her friends who didn't have anyone to call her and join her.  In January she was happy to see the snow. 

There was no sign of sadness, no sign of any health issues,  she was happy.  The last post was in April, when she congratulated her son on his placing in a festival. 

My friend has left this world, but she is still here.  Her positive energy, her love of life, will  be remembered. 

My friend

Thank you for you positive words, and making me smile.